Acupuncture Injection Therapy applies the injection of medications into traditional acupoints and other anatomical sites for the treatment of disease, pain, prevention of illness, and the improvement of physiological function for athletic performance, age management, and aesthetics. Homeopathic preparations called antihomotoxic medicines are prepared in injectable forms. Biopuncture and AIT are used for the treatment and management of chronic disease, fatigue syndromes, chronic pain, and have use in anti-aging medicine and medical aesthetics.
» Biopuncture Describes a specific therapeutic technique that uses biotherapeutic substances for injection in acupuncture points and other sites of the body for the purpose of bioregulation that serves to treat pain, prevent illness, optimize health and longevity, and treat disease, is the bridge between traditional acupuncture and biomedicine.
» Mesotherapy is the practice of injecting small amounts of medications and/or vitamins into the mesoderm or middle layer of skin for the treatment of acne, arthritis and joint problems, sports injuries as well as for cosmetic purposes, such as reducing cellulite and localize weight loss. Mesotherapy is becoming an approach with many new innovations like MesoGlow™, MesoPeel™, MespBoost™ and lipodissolve. Each is derived from the original principles of mesotherapy may involve injecting a customized cocktail of substances that include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, procaine, and other local anesthetics, pharmaceuticals, and homeopathic remedies.
» Neural Therapy Procaine is injected into certain spots such as scars, in pain relief in distant areas occurred. Neural therapy is a method of diagnosing and treating illness and pain caused by disturbances of the body’s electrophysiology. This disturbances trigger abnormal autonomic nervous system responses found in scars, autonomic ganglia, teeth, internal organs and other locations where local tissue irritation exists.
» Prolotherapy is used for laxness of ligaments and tendons that keeps joints stable. Injection of chemical and natural irritant solutions into the ligaments causes tissue to proliferate and increasing in thickness and strength.
» Trigger Point Therapy is a hypersensitive palpable nodule in a taut band of soft tissue that refers pain is treated by reliving muscle spasms by the injection of procaine or saline into trigger points.